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    Taiwan Policy Act 結果共22筆

  • Incidents reignite debate over MRT’s priority seating policy

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s priority seating policy in public transportation: A proposal to expand the scope under the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act is back to square one. Learn about the ongoing debate, recent incidents, and what’s next.
    2024/06/19 10:52
  • Blinken pushes for Taiwan’s observer status at WHA

    Discover how the U.S. is advocating for Taiwan’s observer status at the World Health Assembly, facing opposition from China, and the implications for international relations.
    2024/05/23 17:28
  • Taiwan’s Digital Minister Tang endorses successor

    Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang expresses confidence in her successor, Huang Yen-nun, and the new cabinet announced by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai. Tang highlights the handover process and the submission of key legislative proposals to the Legislative Yuan, ensuring a smooth transition for Huang’s policy implementation.
    2024/04/24 14:54
  • Tsai Ing-wen and AIT Chair discuss Taiwan-U.S. relations

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with Laura Rosenberger of AIT to discuss Taiwan-U.S. cooperation in trade, supply chain security, and information security. The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) of 1979 and its significance in U.S.-Taiwan relations, along with the impact of the three joint communiqués, shape the framework of U.S. policy toward the Taiwan Strait. The TRA aims to maintain peace, security, and stability in the region and influences U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and defense cooperation. The Taiwan Security Enhancement Act and the Taiwan Travel Act demonstrate ongoing developments in U.S.-Taiwan relations.
    2024/04/01 18:18
  • Taiwan to launch 320 civilian emergency response teams

    The Executive Yuan unveils plans for the Taiwan Community Emergency Response Team (T-CERT) in a recent policy report, aiming to establish 320 teams with 8,000 members within five years. Training will involve various sectors, drawing parallels to the civilian defense concept of the Kuma Academy. Despite opposition from Kuomintang legislators, the initiative focuses on disaster response, not military operations, in line with Taiwan’s Disaster Prevention and Protection Act. The teams, inspired by FEMA recommendations, are supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of National Defense.
    2024/02/20 16:37
  • Legislative speaker salary revealed as Han takes office

    Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Han Kuo-yu has been elected as the speaker of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, with Johnny Chiang as his deputy. As speaker, Han is responsible for maintaining order in the legislative body and overseeing legislative matters. According to the "Act Governing the Discipline of Legislators," Han’s monthly salary is equivalent to that of central government department heads, amounting to NT$346,960, with an additional special remuneration of NT$79,100. Johnny Chiang, as deputy speaker, will earn a monthly salary of approximately NT$229,860. Legislators in Taiwan receive an average monthly salary of about NT$190,500, along with an annual bonus equivalent to 1.5 months’ salary. Han’s role grants him decisive power in the event of tied votes or disputes over legislation, giving him a significant role in shaping future policy.
    2024/02/02 13:57
  • TAO doubts Lai’s claims of lowering cross-strait war risk

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Chen Binhua, expressed doubt over Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s claim that his election would reduce the risk of a cross-strait war. Chen highlighted the contradiction in Lai’s stance as a supporter of Taiwanese independence while believing his presidency would mitigate tensions. Chen emphasized the international consensus to uphold the One China principle and maintain peace. Lai dismissed claims that supporting him meant war as Chinese propaganda and argued that his policy aligns with international norms. Chen countered by citing the success of the "One Country, Two Systems" formula in Hong Kong. Chen also addressed investigations into bureau chiefs suspected of violating the Anti-Infiltration Act and concerns over Taiwanese living in China being unable to return to vote due to a recent outbreak. He expressed concern that if the DPP authorities deprived Taiwanese living in China of their voting rights, it would expose their autocratic and non-democratic character to the world.
    2023/12/27 16:28
  • TPP’s Wu touts legislative record ahead of VP debate

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu highlights her legislative achievements during her 412-day tenure in the Legislative Yuan. She proposed 15 bills, hosted five public hearings, and three symposiums. Notable bills include amendments to the Central Bank Act, the Social Medical Development Act, and the Assisted Reproduction Act, reflecting her dedication to improving Taiwan’s financial stability, healthcare system, and reproductive health policies. Wu believes that her policy platform will be built upon these legislative proposals as she prepares for the upcoming televised policy presentation and debate. The vice-presidential TV policy presentation is scheduled for December 22, 2024, while the debate will take place on January 1, 2024, as the 2024 elections approach.
    2023/12/20 18:10
  • Ko Wen-je rues failed KMT alliance, cites betrayal

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je expressed disappointment in the failure to establish an alliance with the Kuomintang (KMT), citing his medical background and trust in others as a disadvantage in politics. He believes that the mishandling of the breakup with the KMT has led to his declining support. Despite the acrimony, Ko hinted at potential future cooperation with Foxconn’s founder Terry Gou, acknowledging their maintained contact for policy collaboration. Ko praised Gou’s think tank on finance and economics for its excellent work, revealing that his team has consulted and adopted numerous economic policy suggestions from Gou’s proposals. The focus at this stage is on policy partnership, with paths toward collaborative governance remaining open between the two camps.
    2023/12/07 16:58
  • Taiwan to include mainland students in NHI program

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen has announced that mainland Chinese students who have completed their academic registration for six months will be included in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) program, similar to foreign and overseas Taiwanese students. The new policy is set to take effect on Feb. 1, 2024. Chen emphasized the universal value and fundamental human right of health, and highlighted that the new policy will aid in epidemic prevention efforts. The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) will announce the new regulations in accordance with the Enforcement Rules of the National Health Insurance Act. Chen also urged related government bodies to prepare administrative procedures and effectively communicate with mainland students. Currently, overseas Taiwanese and foreign students who have resided in Taiwan for more than six months with a residence certificate can apply for NHI coverage through their schools. Foreign students are required to pay NT$826 per person per month for their NHI package.
    2023/11/23 17:49
  • Taiwan to amend Assisted Reproduction Act

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare, Hsueh Jui-yuan, confirms planned amendments to the "Assisted Reproduction Act" will include changes to surrogacy policies, extending coverage to same-sex partners, single women, and surrogate mothers. The draft law will be made public early next year and reviewed by the Executive Yuan by the year’s end. Presidential candidates have called for surrogacy policy consideration, with Ko Wen-je inviting a long-term surrogacy policy advocate for discussion. The amendments are not influenced by Ko’s political platform. The ongoing effort to amend the law has been ongoing for two-and-a-half years, with a preliminary draft of 42 articles finalized and 13 expert meetings held. The revision aims to protect children’s rights while addressing same-sex marriage, single women, and surrogacy issues. Surrogacy services will require professional consultation and legal contracts to outline rights and obligations for both parties.
    2023/11/09 09:50
  • 不懼大陸警告?美眾議院版「台灣政策法案」加回敏感條文

    美國參議院外委會14日才通過修正版的「台灣政策法案」(Taiwan Policy Act),並刪減敏感條文,美國眾議院28日最新出爐的「台灣政策法案」則在實質方面加強台灣防衛,並把先前參議院版本中經過修改或刪除的象徵性條文加回去,讓參眾兩院的台灣政策法案雖然類似,卻不完全相同。德州州立大學副教授翁履中今(29日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人游皓婷線上訪問表示,「在參議院版本的台灣政策法案出爐時,看似挑戰過去台灣關係法中保持模糊的策略,凸顯美國對台策略逐漸清晰,也讓各界開始關注眾議院版本的台灣政策法案,但可以從兩點分析,第一點、『時間』,9月30日之後參眾兩院會進入選舉週期,也就是休會期直到11月8日美國期中選舉後才會重新開議,而開議不久就迎來感恩節和聖誕節假期,所以所剩的時間並不足以讓美國國會所有議員湊在一起把法案完全審議完成,這個時間點提出更多的是政治上『象徵性』的表態。」
    2022/09/29 16:42
  • Taiwan Policy Act to enhance U.S. military support

    The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the "Taiwan Policy Act" with a 17-5 vote on Sept. 14 (Wed.), committing to provide Taiwan with more military support in the future. 
    2022/09/23 14:06
  • Taiwan Policy Act clears U.S. senate committee

    The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee cleared the "Taiwan Policy Act" with a 17-5 bipartisan vote. According to its sponsors, the bill is "the most comprehensive restructuring of U.S. policy towards Taiwan since the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979."
    2022/09/23 14:06
  • 觀點/台灣政策法最終版將如何處理台灣主權問題?

    台灣政策法(Taiwan Policy Act)9月14日在美國參議院外交委員會以17:5通過,將送到參議院全院投票,再到眾議院投票。這個法案自從6月份由參議院外交委員會主席在梅南德茲(Menedez)與共和黨少數領袖葛拉姆(Graham)共同介紹,已經引起很多的討論,而且延遲投票兩次,最主要是白宮擔心這個法案可能對中國有不必要挑釁的意味。
    2022/09/19 13:58
  • 利大於弊vs.弊大於利 「台灣政策法」通過 避一中紅線

    美國參議院外委會14日通過最新版的「2022年台灣政策法案」(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022),大幅增加對台的軍事援助,重塑美國對台最全面的關係,不過對於可能會引爆美中台關係的法案,則改回建議或授權性質。TVBS外交暨軍事記者劉亭廷今(16日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人譚伊倫線上訪問表示,「經過溝通協商後,原本號稱最強而有力的『台灣政策法案』,內文只要有碰到『一中政策』的紅線,美國態度就轉彎,所以關於台美外交升級的條文很明顯被淡化,而這可以從兩點得知,第一點、『駐處的更名』,原本法案是建議並希望由美國透過政策的方式,把台北經濟文化辦事處直接修正回台灣代表處,但現在已經被修正為國會建議性質,第二點、『美國在台協會AIT處長任命方式』,原本法案是提倡比照外交大使的提名程序,但現在則是被完全移除。」
    2022/09/16 16:21
  • 觀點/美參院通過《台灣政策法案》 虛實相掩、突破一中

    美國參議院外交關係委員會14日以17票贊成、5票反對,通過《台灣政策法案》(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022)。儘管後續立法程序仍相當繁複,但若最後完成立法並實施,將是自1979年美台斷交及《台灣關係法》生效以來,美國對台政策最全面的調整。
    2022/09/16 13:28
  • 美國將審議台灣政策法案 恐動搖「美中台」三邊關係

    美國參議院外交委員會將在台灣時間15日凌晨2點審議「2022年台灣政策法案」(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022),這項法案涉及「台灣準北約化」、駐美代表處改為「台灣代表處」等,並將首次提供45億美元的軍事外援資金,而此法案也讓大陸急跳腳。德州州立大學副教授翁履中今(14日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人黃星樺線上訪問表示,「這項法案是美國參議院提出,目前為止還沒有看到眾議院的版本,雖然是重申挺台力道,可是更多的是針對『中美競爭關係』,此外,台灣政策法案也補上了非常多過去台灣關係法裡,可能還保有彈性空間的部分,在台灣關係法設立的時候,所保持的模糊空間可以讓外界有可以做解釋的部分,但現在若法案通過,模糊的空間就會相對減少,對台灣來說可能會面臨比較大的風險跟挑戰。」
    2022/09/14 15:18
  • 美參院明審史上最強「台灣政策法」! 重點一次看

    美國參議院外委會將於台灣時間15日凌晨2時,審議「2022年台灣政策法案」(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022),該法案意在「重構」美國對台政策的立法,促進台灣安全,確保地區穩定,並阻止中國對台灣的侵略。由於涵蓋範圍廣大,被稱為「旗艦型挺台法案」,甚至被認為將進一步升高台海緊張局勢;不過,法案內容也表明這不等於美國與台灣恢復官方外交關係,或美國政府改變對台灣國際地位的立場。以下將其內容分成五大層面介紹。
    2022/09/14 13:58
  • 觀點/美中台新爆點《台灣政策法》 9月14日起點燃

    未來幾個月,美中台三方都有重要政治時程進行,十月中共召開二十大,十一月台灣和美國都有期中選舉,中間還卡了一個G20峰會;但現在三方都在緊盯一個新風暴源頭,那就是本周即將在美國聯邦參議院外交委員會審議的《2022年台灣政策法案》(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022)。
    2022/09/12 15:55
  • 美參院擬立法納台非北約盟友 美議員:就是要正告北京 

    美國聯邦參議院外委會原訂3日審理的《台灣政策法案》(Taiwan Policy Act)雖因故延期,但美國議員表示,藉由立法納台為非北約盟友就是要正告北京,別重蹈俄侵烏的覆轍。
    2022/08/10 12:32
  • 友台新法將送審!美跨黨派議員盼台成「主要非北約盟友」

    美中關係如今因美國眾議院議長裴洛西訪台再度升溫,台海更是首當其衝面臨北京的各式報復行動。美國參議院外交關係委員會主席梅南德茲(Bob Menendez)3日在《紐約時報》上投書,指出裴洛西訪台只是北京當局用來擴大對台激進行動的藉口,並他與共和黨參議員葛瑞姆(Lindsey Graham)已合作推出跨黨派的《2022台灣政策法案》(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022),盼強化台灣防務,並將台灣列為「主要非北約盟友」。
    2022/08/03 23:36
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